Saul Kapelow

May 22, 1910 to March 24, 1968 (57 years)
Relation to Betty Bob Schulman
Saul Kapelow, the husband of Sarah Goodman Kapelow, the sister of Louis Harold Goodman, the father of Private, the wife of Private, the son of Marjorie Ruth Blumberg Katz, the daughter of Leah Schulman Blumberg, the sister of Robert Schulman, the father of Betty Bob Schulman

buried at Baron Hirsch cemetary. Met his wife Sarah at the wedding of Margie and Louis Goodman

Sarah Goodman Kapelow and Saul Kapelow in front of their house Saul and Sarah portrait alex_sarah_louis_saul 58 anniversary on July 2, 1967 Baron Hirsch tombstone Saul Kapelow military tombstone
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